Jubilee book ‘100 years Badenfahrt’
This 200-page book is a comprehensive review of 100 years of Badenfahrt, its people, and their stories. It aims to bring the past, present, and future of the folk festival to life, in line with the anniversary year and the current motto ‘NEO–’. Throughout the cover, chapter titles, portrait images, and chronicle pages, a halftone grid reuses the pixels from the current festival-design to reflect the historical background. Structured into four main chapters that provide a graphic and conceptual overview, the book also includes many lively anecdotes, image pages, chronicle pages, and portraits of six people who have had a lasting impact on the festival.
Client: Verein Badenfahrtkomitee
Role: Graphic Concept & Design
@visavis AG

Concept & Editor
Esther Hürlimann
Project Coordination
Nadine Stutz
Creative Consulting + Illustration
Antonina Businger
Graphic Concept & Design
Jasmin Schürch